Saturday, June 14, 2014

Healing Earth's Scars

"Thirty years ago, the Hudson River and its surrounding waterways were so polluted that its population of short-nosed sturgeon became the first fish species to be listed (in 1972) as endangered". (Goodall 166).

This caused a huge effort to clean up the river and over the past 15 years, the population of these fish in the Hudson River has grow by more than 400%. The Manhattan area has become way more urbanized, so the cleaning of the waters is a huge conservation success story; there are even plans to bring oyster reefs and shoreline wetlands in Harlem. I think it is a great idea to introduce more of this type of environment in an area where most people have never seen wetlands or exotic marine life; with them being exposed to this they will be more likely to help protect it.
Photo by: Avery Collin

"The aquatic ecosystems have been destroyed-the Yangtze River dolphin became extinct." (Goodall 168)

There has been so much destruction of habitats worldwide and having harmed so much of their own environment, China is desperate to get the materials like timber and minerals to help with economic growth, that is plundering the natural resources of other countries. Especially in Africa where many people in politics are willing to sell of their children's future just to make some quick money; it is getting worse because of the country's staggering number of people in need and a failing government that refuses to admit that there is anything wrong in their country. 
Photo by: Jasmine Waltz

"It would be irresponsible to introduce ways of growing more food and saving the lives of more babies, without, at the same time, talking about the need for small families." (Goodall 171)

It has been shown that as a woman's education improves, the size of families decrease. Having information about family planning, access to health care for their children, helps women to really plan for their families. If women also receive education things will also start to get better; so many people have started scholarship programs for girls because a poor family is likely to educate the boys instead of the girls. I think this idea is great in the sense that woman will be looked at as more as just homemakers and child bearers but as a people that have something to offer to the world. 
Photo by: Ellie Woods

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