Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Obligation to Endure

"The most alarming of all man's assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials." (Carson 153)

Throughout the history of living on earth there has always been am interaction between the living and their surroundings. The earth's vegetation and animal life has been formed by the environment around them and only one species, man has had the significant power to change the nature of their world. The increase in change and the speed of which new situations are made based of the pace of man rather than the pace of nature is destructive. To change or better the environment from what man has done will take generations to fix if even possible at all.
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"Much of the necessary knowledge is now available but we do not use it." (Carson 159)

We teach and train ecologists in our universities and we even give them jobs in governmental agencies but we rarely use them or take their advice. We allow things like chemical death rain to fall as though there is nothing we can do to prevent it from harming our environment. Have we become a mesmerized state of mind that sees the world and what is happening to it as something that we really can not change? This is a scary thought because to accept the destruction that is happening and will continue to happen to our world is not the way to go about it. We as a people have changed society and the way the world operates on many occasions so I know we can better the way we treat our world if we all come together to make this change happen. 
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"There is still very limited awareness of the nature of the threat." (Carson 160)

This is the era that is dominated by industry, in which making a dollar at whatever cost is priority. When the public protest because of some evidence of damaging results of pesticide applications, they are fed half truths. We need to stop false assurance and sugar coating facts because the public has the right to know the truth; they are the ones being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers predict. The public must decide what they want to do and that can only happen if the are presented with all the right facts.
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